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Sustainability Built on Solid Ground

How We Achieve Climate Neutrality Through Innovative Processes

At ROBIA, sustainability is not just a label we attach to ourselves. We have committed ourselves to our social responsibility over the past decades—regionally, EU-wide, and globally. Sustainable practices have shaped our work for over 50 years. Whenever possible, we prefer floor renovation over replacement or new installation, thereby sustainably conserving our resources and protecting the climate. Our goal is to contribute to making Europe the first CO2-neutral continent in accordance with the European Green Deal!
Foto zeigt hell gekleideten Unterkörper und nackte Füße einer Person die kleine Pflanzen auf einem Kunststoffboden gießt.

Living Responsibility – as a Society and as a Company

We align ourselves with our CSR and act in accordance with ESG principles to operate more sustainably in all areas of our business. This applies to our selection of suppliers, employee management and the revitalization of old floors.

CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)

CSR stands for „corporate social responsibility“ and means that we, as a company, always keep the impacts of our decisions on social interactions and the environment in mind.

ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance)

ESG refers to the criteria by which we measure our esponsibility as a company toward people, society, and the environment .

Environmental: Environmental and climate protection
Social: Safe working conditions and fair wages
Governance: Transparent corporate governance and decision-making

The following SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) are supported by our activities and our commitment:

Grafik von 8 der 17 Klimaziele (SDGs), die ROBIA bereits erfüllt.

ROBIA as Part of the EU Green Deal

As a company based in the EU, we are actively committed to achieving the ambitious climate goals of the European Union under the Green Deal. The goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 and to achieve climate neutrality as a continent by 2050. This means that all future emissions should be offset through EU-wide measures, thereby alleviating the climate.

At ROBIA, we support these goals through our self-developed plastic floor renovation process, which not only saves CO2-emissions but also minimizes the use of new raw materialsIn doing so, we help reduce our own cological footprint as well as that of the construction industry as a whole while conserving natural resources. Together with our partners and suppliers, we focus on innovation and transparency to develop and implement sustainable solutions.

This is how we contribute to realizing the European climate vision!

Bild zeigt Kunststoffboden, der nach der Sanierung mit Lack abgerollt wird.

Let’s Prepare the Ground for a Green Future.

We would be pleased to provide you with details about our plastic floor renovation process and how it helps us ave valuable resources, time, and money.

Or join us in our ambitionto make the world a better place and expand your business portfolio with ROBIA green !

Portrait zeigt Christian Wipfler am Schreibtisch sitzend.